Handbook of Strategic 360 Feedback (9780190879860)
This volume is the definitive work on strategic 360 feedback, an approach to performance management that is characterized by: (1) having content derived from the organization's strategy and values; (2) creating data that is sufficiently reliable and valid to be used for decision making; (3) integration with talent management and development systems; and (4) being inclusive of all candidates for assessment.
Featuring 30 chapters from leading practitioners in the field, the volume is organized into four major sections: 360 for Decision Making; 360 for Development, Methodology, and Measurement; Organizational Applications; and Critical and Emerging Topics. It presents viewpoints from researchers, scientists, practitioners, and consultants on best practices in the design, implementation, and evaluation of many forms of multirater processes and technologies currently used to support talent management
Product details
- Hardback | 576 pages
- 178 x 254 x 45.72mm | 1,134g
- 01 Jun 2019
- Oxford University Press Inc
- New York, United States
- English
- 0190879866
- 9780190879860
- 1,336,882
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