Cry of the Wolf Singer (9781492223177)

With a Hunter and Gatherer culture to be proud of, Silversnow Island is left with millions starving and thousands of game hunters dying. Rumor tells a story that the coyotes are on the prowl in the dreaded and endless forest the game hunters work in: The Brawler. Within those wicked branches, however, an evil prowess is growing that only few suspect what it is, but never say what it may be. With millions of men, women and children hanging on to the thread of life by a simple bowl of porridge a day, a new hunt in The Brawler must be made: a hunt for truth. This hunt will be made by the most skilled hunters, soldiers, archers and even a young mage. However this may hold, there is one hunter that seeks truth above all else: Weylyn Fridolf. Along with his father and fellow companions, Weylyn must hunt for wild game to feed not only his home, Chanter's High, but for Silversnow Island itself; he must discover the truth behind the coyote's brutal attacks and, above all else, must battle for a truth his father holds in secrecy so well. Swept away into the hunt as part of tradition, not only will Weylyn find truth he will discover a mystery that has lived long before his own birth and name. What will keep him and his companions safe is a simple prayer that embarks them all on a hunt far beyond what they expected or dream of: The Cry of the Wolf Singer.

Product details

  • Paperback | 338 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 18mm | 454g
  • English
  • 1492223174
  • 9781492223177
  • 2,697,699

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